Preface to “Acting: A Tool for Mental Health” Blog Series

Actors and scholars, good day! Here I am with an update…

The upcoming blog posts will be about how acting is related to mental health and why drama schools should integrate mental-health-based acting classes. Acting is like no other profession. If you are a nurse, you use your intelligence and medical devices; whereas if you are an actor, you use your intelligence + mind, body, voice, and soul. Like all actors know: your body is your instrument, thus you need to treat yourself and your body well. I wholeheartedly believe in holistic acting and, hopefully by the end of it, you will all, too.

The video attached to this post is a compilation of actors talking about mental-health-related subjects. It is nothing fancy! If you all would like more videos of actors talking about certain subjects, please let me know and I shall create more!

Enjoy the video and the next blog posts!

— Regina ☆

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